Some customers have negative experiences with software. Whether it wasn't the right fit for them organizationally, they encountered a service problem, or the product did not fully serve their needs, it's important for your team to acknowledge and address the situation. Use Followup Requests from TrustRadius mitigate any resentment towards your brand after a poor experience.
This information can be found in 2 places, within the homepage of the vendor portal under Handraisers:
As well as within the Reports tab under Followup Requests:
How the Followup Request Program Works
When customers are creating a review for your product, they have the ability to opt-in to be contacted by your team to discuss their experiences with your product and/or team. To qualify as a followup, they must complete the following:
- Select "Yes" to allowing contact
- Review your product with a "6" rating or low
Contacting Followup Requests
To access the reviewer's complete profile information (including those who selected to remain anonymous on the site), download the report to a CSV.
Within the CSV your team will see:
- Review Date
- Rating
- Word Count
- Public/Anonymous
- Reviewer Information
- Name
- Title
- Department
- Role in the Purchase
- Reviewer Company
- Name
- Size
- Industry
- Link to the Review
Note: You will see this warning which reminds you their contact/profile information can only be used in the context of followup or reference program - and that their choice to be anonymous when displayed with their words/review is an independent privacy setting
**This is a premium feature. Please visit our demo page to book a conversation with our team to learn more