You can use the Metrics section of the vendor portal to track results of working with TrustRadius and look for actionable insights to share with your team to help meet your business goals.
To navigate to the Metrics dashboards:
- In a web browser, navigate to TrustRadius. In the header, click For Vendors > Access Vendor Portal. Log into your TrustRadius account.
- In the side navigation menu, click Metrics
Each dashboard contains a number of elements at the top of the dashboard:
Dashboard filters
Dashboard last updated indicator
Load / reload data icon
Filters icon
Three-dot dashboard menu
How to run report:
When you first load the multi or single product dashboards, the charts in the dashboard should auto-load to show data.
In the Multi-Product Dashboard it will show data for up to 10 products automatically. If you have more than 10 products subscribed with TrustRadius you will need to select them from the Product Name menu to change the dashboard to show the products you want to see. It will also default to loading data for the last 30 days.
In the Single Product Dashboard it will show data for 1 product. If you have more than 1 product subscribed with TrustRadius you may want to change the product the dashboard has loaded data for to another one by using the Product Name filter. It will also default to loading data for the last 30 days.
In the Competitor Dashboard it will show data for 1 of the vendor's products and up to 4 selected competitor products at one time. If you have more than 1 product subscribed with TrustRadius you may want to change the product the dashboard has loaded data for to another one by using the Product Name filter. To change the competitor products, use the Competitor Product Names filter to select up to 4 products to compare against. It will also default to loading data for the last 90 days.
How to filter reports:
In the Single and Multi-Product Dashboards there are two filters you can use to filter the report to fit your needs:
Date Filter
Product Name
In the Competitor Dashboard there are three filtesr you can use to filter the report to fit your needs:
Date Filter
Product Name
Competitor Product Names
To filter your report:
Click on one of both of those filters and change them to the desired values.
Click the blue reload button in the top right corner of the dashboard to load the reports with your selected filters.
How to remove Product Name or Competitor Product Name filters on reports:
There are two options you can use to remove the Product Name or Competitor Product Name values you have filtered by:
Option 1:
Click the filter to remove values one by one
Click the blue load button in top right corner to reload the dashboard
Option 2:
Click the three-dot dashboard menu in the top right corner of the dashboard
Click Reset filters