Now that you know what TrustQuotes are, you are ready to learn how to easily set up or modify your product's tagging within the vendor portal. 

TrustRadius Taxonomy applies to TrustRadius customers who have access to leverage TrustQuotes through their subscription; it is the foundation of content organization within the TrustRadius Vendor Portal. 

We simplify TrustRadius Taxonomy by referring to it as tagging, or tagging taxonomy and having a solid foundation of keywords in place to identify review content easily can help to reduce the amount of time we find user’s quotes on the topics that matter the most to your organization.

Creating Review Tags

The TrustRadius team  will create an initial set of keywords to pull quotable content for you while you are in implementation, but after onboarding  you may find that the product features, attributes, benefits, use cases, or SEO priority change and the review tags need to be updated. There are two types of review tags in the TrustRadius Vendor Portal:

  • Standard Tags

  • Custom Tags

Standard Tags

‘Standard Tags’ are tag groups that identify characteristics of the review author and his/her company. These tag groups can be toggled on and off, but the tags within each group are maintained by TrustRadius and therefore are not editable. 

*Note: though you can click ‘+New Tag Group’ from the Standard Tags section, it will actually create a group on the Custom Tags section.

To navigate to the Standard tags, click on the ‘Standard' tab

Click the button to select the standard review tags  you would like to be automatically associated with each review and toggle them on.

Custom Tags

As a TrustRadius administrator you have complete freedom to create your own tag groups to highlight new use cases, benefits, features and competitors from your reviews. Groups of Custom tags can be managed for ‘all’ of a company’s products and/or managed on an individual product level. 

You can click the Review Tags on the left rail and use the ‘Custom Tags’ section to build a rich tagging taxonomy individualized to your company’s product line. 

To edit existing tags within the Tag Groups, click the notepad and pencil icon.

Once the next screen opens you can easily edit the following areas:

A. Optional: Edit the tag "Group Name"
B. Select whether this tag group impacts all product or just selected ones
C. Check whether or not this is a "Review Level" tag group-every quote from a review will have these tags applied it it when selected

Scroll to the bottom and add new tags to the Tag Group

To create a New Tag Group to add keywords to, click the ‘+ New Tag Group’  button and create a new group name for tags.

Add information the following areas:

A. Add a tag "Group Name"
B. Select whether this tag group impacts all product or just selected ones
C. Check whether or not this is a "Review Level" tag group-every quote from a review will have these tags applied it it when selected

D. Add a new keyword tag to each textbox *hitting tab or enter adds another textbox

E. Save all additions by clicking the button.

For more tag ideas, see our Review Tag Groups and Best Practices article.