Follow these instructions to set up a Report in Salesforce that sends a recurring email with all competitor/category intent signals from current customers.
Creating a new report
From the Salesforce home page, click the 9-dot app launcher on the top left corner of the page and type ‘reports’.
Once on the Reports page, navigate to a public folder where you want the report to live. You can create the report in a private folder if you wish, but the subscription/notification feature will not work.
Click ‘New Report’
In the report builder window that opens, select ‘All’ from the left-hand navigation menu (the default is ‘Recently Used’) then search for ‘TrustRadius Accounts with TrustRadius Activities and Salesforce Accounts’. This report type will encompass every TrustRadius Account that has been matched to a Salesforce account.
Customizing the Report
Now that the report is created, go to the ‘Outline’ tab and delete all of the default columns except for ‘Salesforce Account: Account Name’.
Add new columns for ‘Activity Description’ & ‘Activity Label’. If desired, you can also add a column for ‘URL/Path’ which will show you exactly which page on TrustRadius triggered the intent signal.
Feel free to add any additional columns that you see fit. – Examples: Account Owner, Annual Revenue, Renewal Date, etc.
Go to the ‘Filters’ tab and change the ‘Show Me’ filter to ‘All trustradius accounts’
Add a ‘does not contain’ filter to the ‘Activity Description’ column and enter your product name. This will filter out all product-level intent and only display category-level intent that did not originate from your product.
Optional: If you would like to add a filter to only display currently-active customers, add it now. The field used for that filter will vary from company to company, but it will likely be a field from the ‘Salesforce Account: custom info’ header. – A common example would be ‘Active Account’=True.
In order to keep this list from growing too large and keep it in a constant actionable state, we need to add a date filter. There are several available date fields in this report type, select the field labeled ‘Date’ that appears under the ‘TrustRadius Activity: Info’ header.
In the ‘Date’ filter options, click ‘Use relative date’
Under ‘Relative Date’, enter ‘LAST x DAYS’ then click Apply.
Save, then run the report. – Keep in mind that if this report is saved to a private folder, the subscription and notification features will not be available.
Subscribing to the Report
Note: If the report was created in a private folder, the subscribe button will not appear. Move the report to a public folder if you would like to subscribe other users to the report distribution.
Now that the report is finished, it’s time to subscribe stakeholders to the automated email distribution. Click on the arrow next to the ‘Edit’ button, then click ‘Subscribe’.
Set the distribution to your desired frequency & day of the week.
Click the ‘Edit Recipients’ button to add Salesforce users to the distribution list.
Once all Recipients are added, click ‘Save’. The report will be automatically distributed based on your configuration.
Duplicating the Report
If you would like to use this report as a template and recreate it for other users, departments, teams, regions, etc; you can easily duplicate this report by utilizing the ‘Save As’ button. Click the arrow next to ‘Edit’ then click ‘Save As’, this will bring up the same dialog box that appeared in the previous steps, and allows you to rename the report and save it into a new folder if desired.