General FAQs

What are Metrics?

The Metrics section of the vendor portal enables vendors to monitor and take action on data related to the performance of their product or category and compare against competitor products. Check out this article for more information on how to run reports and filter the dashboards. Check out this article for more details on what data is included in the Metrics dashboards.

Are all vendors able to use Metrics?

The Metrics offering is available to TrustRadius customers only and will only show data for subscribed products. If you have any questions about access to Metrics, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager. 

Am I able to download the data?

Yes! At this time you can download either dashboard-level or report-level data to a CSV or PDF. For more information on how to do this, visit this page.

Am I able to schedule regular delivery of this data to an external source?

Yes! At this time there are a couple options for scheduling delivery of either dashboard-level or report-level data to email and slack. For more information on how to set up external delivery, visit this page.

Why are some or all of the reports in the dashboard taking a long time to load?

Depending on the time frame you have selected in the Date Filter and the number of products you have selected in the Product Name filters, the dashboard may take some time to completely load. Longer date ranges and more product names will take longer to load than shorter time ranges and fewer product names. 

Why am I seeing an error message of “You are not authenticated to view this page.” message? 

This can happen when you have been logged into the vendor portal for an extended period of time. If you reload the page in your browser, it should resolve this issue and you can see the dashboards again.

Where can I go if I have questions or feedback on Metrics?

Please check our Metrics knowledgebase for answers to your questions. If you still cannot find an answer to your question, please ask your TrustRadius Customer Success Manager.

Date Filter FAQs

Which Date Filter options are recommended?

There are a wide range of date filter options in all dashboards. 

A few that are likely most relevant to your reporting needs include:

Left date range filter option:

  • is in the last
    • e.g. is in the last 30 days, is in the last 4 months, is in the last 10 weeks
  • is in the range
    • e.g. is in the range 4/1/23 - 9/1/23
  • is in the year
    • e.g. is in the year 2023
  • is in the month
    • e.g. is in the month August 2023
  • is any time
    • will show recorded data for all time for each currently subscribed product

Right date range filter option:

The time granularity filter options we recommend using are:

  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • years
  • complete days
  • complete weeks
  • complete months
  • complete years

The difference between the basic time granularity options and "complete" options are the complete options will ensure you only include completed days/weeks/months/years. For example if I filtered the Single Product Dashboard on 9/22/23 to show "is in the last 2 complete months" it will show me data for the months of July and August 2023 because those are the most recent completed months.

Which dates are included or excluded in the use of the “is in range” date filter?

If you use the “is in range” filter to change the dates on a dashboard, the second number is “until(before)” so if the range is set as 4/1/23 to 4/30/23 it is only showing data from 4/1/23 to 4/29/23, cutting off the last day in April. To get the total for April 2023 on a dashboard (when using the “is in range” filter), the “is in range filter” needs to be set to 4/1/23 to 5/1/23.

Why are the numbers different in this dashboard vs the numbers I see for the same metrics in the header of the vendor portal homepage? (e.g. pageviews, CTA clicks, review count)

The vendor portal homepage data shows a few date ranges for your data by default or you have the option to change the data to reflect that time range (e.g. last 30 days, last 60 days, last 90 days). The way this data is calculated is it is the last 30/60/90 complete days that are shown. For example, if I look at this data on July 31st and the filter is set to "is in the last 30 days", it will show me data that includes all dates from July 1 - July 30. 

The screenshot below shows an example of the last 30 days of data for the TrustRadius for Buyers product on the vendor portal homepage. This data was pulled on July 31st. Notice how the pageview count is 192. 

If I choose the same range in the Date Filter in the Metrics dashboards ("is in the last 30 days") by default it will also include the most current day you are pulling the data. For example, if I look at this data on July 31st and the filter is set to "is in the last 30 days", it will show me data that includes all dates from July 2 - July 31. 

The screenshot below shows an example of the last 30 days of data for the TrustRadius for Buyers product on the Metrics Multi Product Dashboard. This data was pulled on July 31st. Notice how the pageview count is 191. 

The Date Filter also has an option for "complete days/week/months,etc." when you use the filter to select the time range you want to see. If you use "complete" time granularity the dashboard will then show you only complete days/months/years, etc. For example, if I look at this data on July 31st and the filter is set to "is in the last 30 complete days", it will show me data that includes all dates from July 1 - July 30. 

The screenshot below shows an example of the last 30 complete days of data for the TrustRadius for Buyers product on the Metrics Multi Product Dashboard. This data was pulled on July 31st. Notice how the pageview count is 192, which matches what is shown on the vendor portal homepage


Why are the total values and graph visuals different when I choose “is in last 1 month” vs “is in last 30 days”?

When you use the “is in last X time” (e.g. is in last 1 month), the dashboard will filter to include the last current period of time. Depending on the time interval shown in the chart (e.g. weekly trend line vs monthly trend line), it may include some data from the previous week/month/year. 

Example: If the date is 7/18/23 when I filter for “is in last 1 month”, the filter will include all July 2023 dates. The x axis will show 4 total weeks, all 4 of which include 1 or more dates within that week that include July dates. 

Because July 1 and July 2 are within the week of June 26, that is why you see June 26 as the first date on the x axis of the report. 

Note: this will also include incomplete weeks/months/years at the end of the graph so the trend line or bars may be lower at the end of the graph because the week/month/year is not completed yet.

Here is a dashboard view using the Date Filter “is in the last 1 month”:

Here is a dashboard view using the Date Filter “is in the last 30 days”:

Can I select a custom date range in the Date Filter?

Yes, to do that:

1. Click the Date Filter to open it

2. Click on the left most date filter drop down (it should be "is in the last" by default)

3. Choose "is in range" 

4. Choose the dates you want to use for your range

5. Click the blue load button in top right corner of the dashboard to load the reports with the date range you chose.

What days of the week make up a week if used in Date Filter?

Monday through Sunday make up a complete week in the week date filter option.

Why are the first and/or most recent weeks/months/years shown on the chart trending down sharply? 

This may be due to those first or last weeks/months/years not being completed yet. To only view complete weeks/months/years you can use the Date Filter to choose "complete weeks/months/years", it may help resolve this issue.

Why am I seeing No Results in some charts or null values in some chart columns when using "is any time", "is null", "is not null", or "is on or after" options in the Date Filter?

Because some charts in the dashboards include a calculation of % or absolute change in current period vs previous period, when you use certain date filter options it may cause these charts to show no results because there is not a previous period date range for the chart to use for the results.

The charts this will affect include:

Single Product Dashboard: Product backlink clicks, Reviews and ratings over time

Multi-Product Dashboard: Share of category traffic, Backlink clicks by product, Reviews and ratings by product, Pageviews by product

Competitor Dashboard: Pageviews by product, Reviews and ratings by product, and Key insights from reviewers